
Paper Pumpkin March 2018 Five Alternative Cards — 6 Comments

  1. These alternatives are phenomenal! Just gorgeous. Love your coloring and shading. Thank you so much for sharing. Your creativity is amazing. So glad you decided to continue paper pumpkin.

  2. I absolutely love watching your creations. You are by far my favorite person to watch. Unfortunately for you I don’t live in Canada. If I did you would definitely get my business. I just got do watching you March Paper Pumpkin ideas. My question is what pens did you use to color the blue flower?

    • Hi Holly, such a nice comment! Thank you, I appreciate it! I used the Kuretake Zig Clean Colour Real Brushes on the flower. (I used the same markers on the other card and used watercolour paper and a water brush) You can use other markers but I like the Zig markers because the colours are super bright! Its best on watercolour paper. I used regular Staples 110 lb card stock since its just the one flower but you do need to colour quickly before it dries so you can blend the colours a bit. I added a link of the markers so you can see what they look like. Hope this helps!

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